Tuesday, 3 April 2007

DW: Episode 3.1

So there it is. This is just some thoughts by me after watching it once. I usually watch these twice before writing a review, and thus nothing I write here might be repeated on a repeat viewing. White text ahoy!

Ooh, RTD loves his domestic, doesn't he? Please don't say we are going to be visiting that family every other episode as even the short exposure we got did my head in. We did all that with Rose more than enough, so let's not need to "ground" the series every five minutes!

I knew about the hospital setting because of Made of Steel, but that was all that Terrence revealed (RTD also uses the "cousin" explanation for Doomsday, I wonder whom nicked from who?). Martha gets a good set-up, and I hope the series makes use of her own doctoring abilities. Yeah, I already like her more than Rose. But out of the whole hospital, only one person was thinking sensibly?

I thought the Judoon showed up in a later episode. Maybe they still do? But once again we find RTD's concept of evolution to be a tad off-kilter as no race would evolve with all those wasteful body parts like that.

On the moon? I hope Paul Cornell is talking to his lawyer right now! Not to mention sucking out insides through a straw, hello Red Dwarf! And how exactly does Martha thumping his chest replace all the blood that was sucked out of him?

In all, about three plot lines stuck together to make one opening story. But I liked it!

Next week: Egads, it's The Unquiet Dead on a larger scale!

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