Tuesday, 17 April 2007

DW: Episode 3.3

Very very slow build...

Great finish to the episode, it has to be said. But a very disappointing start. And middle. The whole 'gridlock' concept seemed to me to be yearning to express something more than just 'being stuck in traffic', but if there was a deeper meaning, I couldn't see it. (*Sigh*. And insert your own comments about "alien planet" here.)

But that finish, with the sun, was fantastic. Pity I was flashing back to a certain moment in a certain movie sequel that some people refuse to acknowledge or I'm sure I would have enjoyed it more. Nicely done, nonetheless.

Okay, can the Rose arc be over now? Everyone, including the characters, has admitted it's going on, so can we not go on about it??

Oh, Dougal as a cat person! That is, of course, how everyone will be referring to that character as there is just no way to disguise that voice. Oh, right then, Doctor.

And Macra! Yes, I recognised them before the Doctor said their name. Is that sad? I suspect so. But I don't care! :)

As for the big secret. Ooohhh... not exactly surprising, but still they are admitting that certain plot doors are open. Depending on the writer, this could be very good or very bad. I must quote now: Only time will tell. It usually does...

Next week: Oh, they're back...

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