Monday 11 June 2007

One week later

This time last week was the last day of the Convention. It's now a week later, I'm back at work, and... well... what impact has it really made? There's still the website (although it still needs to be updated with the fact that it's all over!), and I'm sure there are people with memories (hey, I got a great piece of artwork in my Names of Magic tpb) and there are bills to take care of...

But, really, does it really matter? Does anything? Ignoring the cosmic angst, it's hard to prove that there was a convention at all. Certainly, being back at work makes it even more a distant memory, and given the hectic time I (we) had running it, it's not like I have a ton of memories to remember.

I suppose I'm asking if it was worth it. I guess it was, but...

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