Friday 31 October 2008

Power? What power?

Never mind the cat, where was I when the lights went out? Not in as much dark as you'd think.

Bit of an odd power-cut last night. First a flicker. Then the net went dead. Then my house went dead (took me a moment to realise as the laptop seamlessly switched to battery) (oddly my modem and hub still ran, some internal power source I wasn't aware of?). Then nearby houses went dead (at which point my modem and hub didn't ran).

Still a lot of street lights on though. Once I put my candle out and let my eyes adjust, there was quite a bit of ambient light, more than enough to move around easily without bumping into things. No wonder astronomers complain about light pollution. The night just ain't night any more...


1 comment:

Edward Ott said...

it was only when i went camping that i realized how dark it could get outside.