Thursday 19 March 2009

DW: The Sontaran Games

It's another Quick Read, and this one was very Quick. The Sontaran Games by Jacqueline Rayner.

A group of British athletes are in a base (or rather, BASE) under siege, by... the Sontarans! Who decide to test them all by having them in games! (So, yes, the Sontaran Experiment told small.)

It does start out as a Whodunnit, but because of the Quickness, it brings on the Sontarans quickly, and then it's all fun and games... or, at least, games. Not a huge plot, obviously, but when I think back on other Quick Reads, this one is really plot-lite (and, if memory serves, the shortest page count so far).

The big plot twist is pretty obvious as well, certainly I picked it out, but then again there weren't that many candidates. Still, nice that screen time is given to more than just the Sontarans (who comes across as really simple).

There's not the page count for decent characterisation, so everyone gets superficial treatment (including the Doctor). The Sontarans, as implied above, get the real short shrift here.

Mildly diverting book, but only really for collectors.

Order: After/Before The Next Doctor.


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