Saturday 28 January 2023


So, name a movie which has a computer AI and at which some point an AI doesn't try to kill humans... I couldn't think of one, although I have just wanted a computer AI horror movie.

An aunt gets her niece to stay with her, but since she is channeling Jennifer Carpenter energy, she can't handle being a parent so hands over parenting to a computer doll. Which goes from 0 to creepy in negative time. Not surprising anyone, the creepy doll is creepy and so you know we're going to end on it going on a killing spree.

While this movie has the creepy doll aspect, it also has long stretches of nothing happening, at which point you forget you are watching a horror movie and just watching the clock to see how much movie is left. And when the creepy doll does its creepy doll thing... it's not subtle. We all know why we are here, and this movie is going for that.

Which means this movie is just being obvious. Nothing here to surprise you. I've heard good things about this, but... it's just a standard example of the genre.


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