Thursday 24 August 2023


I gather this is the biggest movie ever since Frozen?

She's a bit rock and roll, he's a bit country, she's a bit Capulet, he's a bit Montague, she's fire, he's water. Can they come together and overcome the problems of their families? Well, that's not really the picture. Her parents are rather insular (to put it politely around water), and his are rather accepting (if rather condescending). They face a common problem and must work together, although secretly, to help her father...

Which, when put that way, does paint the father as somewhat of a villain. He is about the closest we get, but once again, this is the sort of movie that would be simpler if people just talked to each other, but then the movie wouldn't happen.

This is based on the director being a part of an immigrant family, so from that aspect there is a certain aspect of "you can't complain about this actual experience", and certainly there are many parallels. But also there are some actual problems I have with the world of "what exactly resists being set on fire? and resists water? and clearly there are plenty of other materials around which aren't the elements/sentient?" Not the point, but where analogy leads to questions and things break down, this lead to me questioning the story more than enjoying it.

Until around 80 minutes in, when emotions took over, because this is Pixar, and then actual tears at 90 minutes...

While this is a Pixar movie, and so starts from a high benchmark... this is a low tier Pixar movie. It may be doing well, but it's a slow burn (sic) movie.


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