Thursday 10 August 2023


There's a man. There's a hole. There's a holeman.

The night before his wedding, Shunsuke has a bit of a celebration with his colleagues... and wakes up down a hole. He isn't doing well, and no-one is returning his calls except for one old girlfriend, who is rather reluctant. Fortunately, he has the internet to help him, and that's never gone wrong before. People are on it, and clearly he will now be safe, no need to watch more.

This is largely a one hander with all the attention on Yûto Nakajima and at best his phone connection to the outside world. We get a few flashbacks and flashsides, but otherwise we are down in this underground room, Which gets very unpleasant indeed.

Described simply (on IMDB) as "A situational thriller depicting the struggle of a man who fell into a manhole." this is indeed quite the thriller, and has some very good beats to the action.


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