Wednesday 13 December 2023

Foxy Fantastic

Time to catch up on some Wes Anderson! This time it's George Clooney as a sexy creature that gets into trouble... hang on...

Mr Fox is a clever creature that we immediately like. He's a rogue, gets away with things, and everyone likes him (more or less, his son is rather more ambivalent). However, his reach exceeds his grasp, and soon he and his companions are in over their head, and extremes are needed to get out.

I think I read this as a kid, it was a little kind of familiar, but hey, it's a fun story, and this is a great adaptation. There's a lot happening with Fox, with the two kids, with the other animals, with the three humans, and...

Great performances really come through. Even aside from George Clooney, we get Michael Gambon, Jason Schwartzman, and Eric Chase Anderson giving great voices to their characters. Which are matched by...

Great visuals. This is Wes Anderson of course, a careful study of each frame, and just because this is animated/puppeted, that makes this no less meticulous in set and execution. I will be saying that a lot.

This is on D+, so easy to catch, and it led me to the next one.


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