Wednesday 3 January 2024

Rope Cursive 2

Netflix decided this was a series to sink their money into, and lo, we got the sequel.

Remember how the first was about someone who dies by rope being angry? Never mind any of that, it's a Thai demon now! And it uses ropes to kill people, so I guess it's at least related? And speaking of related, we get characters with plots that happen to overlap because they are related, where a young woman is near-psychic who helps some streamers, and entirely incidentally her uncle is killed by the Thai Demon because... because, that's why. And so the demon infects her family, her and her aunt, but don't worry there's a drunk Taoist Master who can help, who happens to have the same master as a character from the previous movie who is here with his stupid nephew! Hooray for returning characters?

This seems like a mélange of characters and plot because... it is. The threads are connected because the writer decided they would be. While we do get a rope ritual, this is really a different movie with a rope connection tied in to make it part of the series (yes, I see what I did there).

Not bad characters involved, but the dangling thread from the last movie isn't followed up on, and this has a whole new dangling thread to end on!

Let's see where the third movie ends up.


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