Sunday 5 May 2024


Speaking of Alfred, this is one of those "I should watch" as well.

Can you get away with murder? Start with murdering someone, then host a party! Of course no-one will suspect, although you talk about superior people casually murdering inferior people... but you'd never get away with it... would you?

Alfred knows what he is doing, and this is a great film of a stage play (given the long takes and such, yeah, this was clearly a stage play). The two leads are great as "superior" people, slowly disintegrating, and Jimmy Stewart comes in as the pseudo-detective uncovering it all. There are plenty of others, but those are always the focus of the film.

And what great long takes they are! There are very clear moments where they cut (hello back of the actor), and there is suspicious amounts of non-eating of food to move things along, and the other actors need to rhubarb in the background, but Alfred pulls all of this together.

And undertones... well, overtones really. Two men together, committing murder, what connection connects them...?

Check this out from Matt Baume for a better expression of all this:


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