Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Uncanny JuRei

Are you ready for some random spookums?

Each chapter, which is only a few minutes long, sees someone, usually a school girl, dying to some spirit of a friend. Which we then see said friend dyng to some other spirit as we go back in chapters and time as the movie goes on. Eventually we get to the original cause... which was some other random spirit killing someone.

This is very much in the Curse genre of "if you encounter something bad, it will spread to all around you." (And speaking of Curse, they start at a movie of Cursed Video, which is another movie of this director.)

This is just, as said, random spookums. Hear a strange noise? Maybe see a dark figure? Often then a white faced ghost gets in your face, and boom, you are dead, on to next chapter. Does a decent job of building up the atmosphere, but yes, it is very repetitive, and doesn't really build to anything of an explanation that isn't just "it continues".

Fine, but definitely seen better.


1 comment:

evildicemonkey said...

Will I die now because of this cursed blog? I'll let you know if I do