Tuesday, 27 July 2010

I've Been Watching...

And also perused The Twin Dilemma. Now, yes, I won't be listing this in my all time favourites, but this isn't that bad. This is yet another "story rewritten by Eric Saward", so not surprising it's a bit of a mess. That said, while I'm sure it's supposed to be character development, cut out most of "the Doctor and Peri in the TARDIS" scenes, and it would be improved dramatically.

And, since they spent time bitching about it, let's talk about the coat... Meh, I've seen worse. It is extremely distinctive, but I can't deny that a change of outfit to something more subdued wouldn't have gone amiss. Still, it says "eccentric" and "alien" which is what the Doctor is.

This DVD does mean the entire ouvre of the Sixth Doctor is around, although I haven't watched it all yet.



Morgan Davie said...

i have been bemused to drop into Borders and see the hundreds and hundreds of copies of Twin Dilemma and Attack of the Cybermen...

Even the worst stories have their qualities. I am quite partial to the Vervoids episodes of Trial, myself.

Jamas Enright said...

'Trial' is on the To Be Watched list, but I think I've seen all the other 6th Doc ones...

Jet Simian said...

I've got this one!

Okay, I bought it in a moment of weakness and cashflowery, and for the extras (I like the Stripped for Action segments!) I haven't rewatched the story yet, but would agree that the TARDIS scenes are a problem. They're a problem in Timelash too, but for different reasons.

A good performance from Colin though, outside of the strangling attempts, and I don't mind the coat. Never really have - it goes with the 'pushing the boundaries' thing that the production team were for better or worse trying out with this incarnation.

More recently though I have wondered how Colin would have fared if instead of this story we'd have opened with Attack of the Cybermen?