Tuesday 27 December 2011

DW: 7.0X (Christmas!)

Hmm... not sure about all that. It starts out being a Christmas story, but then gets sidetracked and finally ends up... something?

We start following on from the prelude with a moment more ridiculous than the cricket ball, then immediately hit a bad comedic note with Madge falling off her bike. Oh, the hilarity! This story has problems shifting from poignant moments to the inane wackiness that indicates multiple personality order of different scripts stuck together than the seamless story it should have been.

Dancing chairs! Think of it until it hurts. Look, she's piloting the platform! All the souls are trying to evacuate (from being destroyed by the enemy dropping pain from above... the war imagery is about as half-formed as the story)...

But, the ending, of course, we all saw coming. Of course she saved him. We all knew he was going to get out alive. The problem of ricocheting emotional tones ruins that as well though.

Still, quite a few continuity references were shoe-horned in. And what about Bill Bailey? Eh? Eh? Well... what about him? What was the point? Could have taken those scenes out, and nothing would have been missed.

Moffat, you've done better than this...

Next time: What? No next time? Well, I suppose, it is going to be nine months or so, right?



Jet Simian said...

I think there's no trailer because they don't start filming until February. Frankly, I'd prefer no trailer over another silly inconsequential cutaway like this year's Woooo-skeleton-arm-and-soniccy!

I'd prefer a lot of things over this year's in-grown gallimaufry. Bah.

Jamas Enright said...

At least we have his Sherlock in a day or so...