Friday 26 November 2021

Canom: Let there be Vernage

I note this isn't listed as Venom 2, but Venom: A different subtitle. This is the MCU way, and this is definitely folding into the MCU.

Eddie bumbles his away around his life, not doing much, until Kassidy drags him into the plot of the movie. Indeed, Kassidy makes all the moves, and advances the plot as he becomes Carnage, and does everything he can to make the movie happen while Eddie happens to also be there.

This movie is a tight 97 minutes, which makes it a rare superhero movie that comes in under 2 hours these days. However, it has been pointed out that this movie have been heavily edited, and it certainly feels that. Any moment that could give the movie a breath is squeezed out in order to get to each plot point as it rushes along. Just take a beat, movie, you can afford it.

Woody Harrelson, unsurprisingly, takes the entire movie and is the best thing on screen (although he could do with opening his mouth more and being more audible). Tom Hardy apparently wrote part of the story, and yet doesn't really seem to know what he is doing in any scene, just accidentally being in the right scene at the right time. Naomie Harris should have been in more of this.

A straight forward enough movie. A quick pace that could stand to be a scant bit less quick.


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