Friday 14 July 2023

Running Impossible: Part First

Ethan Hunt... now looks older than the entire franchise! Yet, he still runs well.

There's a new computer AI called The Entity, because humans are good at naming things. And so we spend the entire movie trying to get the McGuffin that might be linked to doing something to the Entity and.. that's the movie. This is definitely part one (but doesn't end as cliff-hanger-y as other Part Ones recently), and there is a lot of moving parts... but not a lot going on. Go to new location, have an action scene, go to different new location, rinse and repeat.

And while yes, Tom Cruise could easily beat my arse with both hand tied behind his back, he is getting on, and a lot of his fights do feel like they are slowed down a little / having less energy to allow him to do them. Although it's hard to say anyone is giving too much energy, with most of the cast on the higher side...

That is to say, most of the male case. The female cast is about half their age, it seems, so they are perfectly capable of doing things, but aren't given much to do. Hayley Atwell was great as Agent/Captain Carter, but here she is barely more than a pretty lamp with good thief skills. She can brawl, get her into a good fight! And Pom Klementieff is clearly having fun as a bad gal, but as such she can't win all the battles.

The big set pieces feel like they are stretched out a bit, probably because this is Part One, and once again we get car chases that go on a little too long. [Although this does lead to my favourite note in the credits re the Spanish Steps.]

Part One down, now waiting for Part Two. Let's hope they have the script fully worked out (aside from "put random set piece Tom Cruise wants to do here").


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