Thursday 28 December 2023

Aquamanatte and the Climate Allegory

Just came out, but ... eh, wasn't that excited about seeing it. But it was on, and there weren't many people, and I had time, so...

Black Manta finds an Ancient Artifact (as one does) and immediately goes on a global killing spree (in that he is killing the globe, not that he is killing a lot of people... directly). However, he ends up crossing paths with Atlantis and so our "hero" is brought into the plot. Aquaman teams up with Orm to make the movie a buddy comedy as they track down Manta, and eventually there's a big fight and Aquaman's family is put in danger.

Oh, and Mera is also there.

Jason Mamoa is just there having fun, while Patrick Wilson is actually trying to act. Yahya Abdul-Mateen II should be doing a lot, but they really trim down any scene with him and give the spotlight to Randall Park instead. And even Dolph Lundgren gets more screen time than Amber Heard!

I won't say I was bored during the movie, but there was just often big fighting scenes with lots of colour and CGI and... I couldn't tell what was happening. And I didn't care. We all know it's going to come down to the main actors punching each other, so get to that and let us get to the personal conflict (as expressed through punching).

And so ends the DC:EU... and I have no idea what the next DC movie is.


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