Friday 22 December 2023


Yes, this is the Eli Roth trailer-turned-movie... can't recall if there is one left but can't be bothered to look it up.

What if Dawn of the Dead but not subtle about its message of consumerism? That's the opening of this movie, in which several stupid deaths happen in a Thanksgiving sale, and so one year later vengeance will be taken! I will immediately give that there are some intelligent moves and people don't start with the Stupid Brain, although there definitely are some SB moments. Unfortunately, the killer has standard teleportation powers, and the ability not to look like the person who is later revealed.

Not a lot of cast I recognise. Patrick Dempsey of course, and Gina Gershon briefly. Rick Hoffman is great in every scene he is in. The others, especially the younger actors, were fine, and I may or may not ever recognise them if they end up in anything else.

Overall it's decent if typically example of the genre.


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