Thursday 21 December 2023

Future Relaxed

A time travel movie? Maybe. With Rhys Darby? Okay, I'll check it out!

A time traveler comes to our present day with a plan to help make the future better. But being aware of time travel consequences, he keeps low key, hangs out with people who don't have much of an impact, but there is just one artist he can't help getting involved with. And causing problems in what should happen. But it's fine, there's someone else from the future too who is here to make sure there are no other time travelers around.

This is a comedy in that it's light hearted, and not taking itself seriously. It's not really a comedy, in that it isn't funny. If anything, it really wants to be a stoner comedy, but Rhys Darby can't do that. He spends every scene talking way too much, so any tension or even interest is drained away by the tide of words. Julian Richings is a great character actor who should be more of a focus, but he isn't on screen enough. Gabrielle Graham is the closest person we have to an actual protagonist of interest, and she fits the stoner comedy part, but again there isn't anything funny going on.

This could have been good... but it isn't.


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