Wednesday 13 April 2011

Watch the Death 3

Be vewy, vewy quite... we're hunting lizards!

In fact, we are hunting a very big lizard. To gain the respect of the Caele, we need to hunt down and kill the Diablodon and bring back a token, at least the head. We set out through the fissure and into the lands beyond...

And into the nest of the smaller, but still large, lizards, and are set upon by hordes... or rather, a Horde. We get stuck in, however the primitive weapons we must use are hampering us, and we are unable to wipe them out as quickly as we should. Indeed, they get in some good hits... and, um... well... I died. Again. As did two others. But it was only a flesh wound! [One fate point! I'm down to one fate point! I better start thinking about my next character...]

After eliminating the threat, we rest up, then head out for the lair of the beast, nearly getting trapped inside a collapsing tunnel. Beyond that, we find pools of boiling hot magma, and I scout ahead for where we think the beast is...

Yes, it is there. Yes, it spots me. Rather than run away, I take cover, and then, when it is close, stab! Right in the eye! Giving me enough breather to then run away, back to where my battle brothers are, who are waiting and have set up a cunning trap...

The Space Wolf gets its attention, and makes the beast charge him, then steps out of the way, letting the lizard stumble... into a magma pool! However, not enough of a problem [really low rolling on that damage], so we take turns slashing out at it, it slashes us... then the Death Angel shows us how to knock it back into the magma pool, and that is something we can all do. Then with a final strike from the leader, down it goes, and we have our trophies! (Head and claws!)

Back to the city, in triumph, to await the praise of the Caele...


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