Wednesday, 22 November 2006

Are you in the Conspiracy?

What is this Conspiracy II thing I'll often mention?

It's a science fiction convention, namely the 28th national science fiction convention for New Zealand. I'm on the committee so I can offer insight of what it is like to be behind the scenes of a convention.

So far, it's much like organising any other event. Big surprise, huh? I'm in charge of getting the events programmed. Unfortunately, we don't have many yet. We have lots of ideas, but unless we have people to run them, that won't be enough. Hey, if you come along and want to run something, I can guarantee you a slot!

We have a ton of literacy-based guests. If there's a particular science fiction and/or fantasy genre, we've probably got someone who writes it.
But lots of people like media guests. Due to their starring role commitments, this is never likely. Still, one never knows...

(The link is in the web links to the right, so I won't post it here again.)

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