Friday, 24 November 2006

Blogging in a vacuum

Obviously there are hundreds if not millions of blogs out there, and no-one has time to read them all. Indeed, quite likely, there a hundreds that barely anyone reads at all. Some are highly read and checked every day for the next fascinating post, often talking about some exciting new discovery or point in your particular area of interest.

This isn't one of those blogs.

(No, I don't know for certain that no-one is reading this, but I can take a reasonable guess that it's not going to hit anyone's top ten list any time soon.)

And yet, we feel compelled to put our thoughts out there, though no-one may be listening (or reading). This has both positives and negatives. On the one hand... why bother? If you're saying great material in an empty room, you're still in an empty room, and it is just a big waste of time.

On the other hand... it's incredibly freeing. You can say what you like and know no-one will be offended, because there's no-one to offend. And, also, you know there's no-one that will point out what rubbish you're spouting. (And, years later, when you become famous, this provides plenty of material for people to mock you over. :) )

And that's what I'm feeling. I want tons of people to read my words... but then I'll have tons of people judging my words. Scary and exhilarating.

But here am I, in a vacuum, safe and secure...


Foo said...

Well, I am popping in occasionally and reading...maybe your vacuum has a leak?

Jamas Enright said...

You're just here to prove that nature abhors a vacuum. :)