Monday 18 June 2007

She's no Oprah nor Tiger...

But Madonna does rank as number 3 on the list of most influencial celebrities!

In this case, "most inflencial" means the celebrity with the most money, as determined by Forbes, but even then, Madonna is only worth $72 million, less than a third of what Oprah's pulling!

Even then, the ranking isn't entirely clear, I have to say. It's some combined version of three different rankings. I'm not entirely sure what statistics are involved here, but, as it's based on opinion, it's not entirely objective anyway.

Still, just because they get a lot of money, does that really mean anything? Madonna is big on raising awareness about Malawi, and yet also believes that red string can turn nuclear waste safe. I'm not sure that's the kind of influence we should be encouraging...

(Thanks, Foo, for pointing me to this article!)

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