Sunday 28 October 2007

I was scared!

Last night I took part in the first inaugural Fright Night, which was a "con" where 20 people (two were female, seems to be about the expected ratio) took place in two rounds of RPG games, three hours each.

I was supposed to play in Cabin Fever, but for various reasons I ended up in Cold Front (which might bear some similarity to The Thing). I played Dr. Martin Kim, inventor of the Infinity Generator, a new generator they were trying out in the base. When things got crazy, he holed himself up in his generator room. (And so I didn't get too involved in the plot, although I was in character.) My death: trying to overload the generator, but instead getting an iceman's arm through my chest from behind, pushing out my heart, freezing and then smashing it. Ouch!

Second game was Truckstop, using the Dark Conspiracy system which is being rejigged for release. I played Specialist Kelly Avery, a medic in unit 8 at area 51. Our unit headed for a truckstop...where I died! Sliced to death. Fortunately, we "reset" and I was alive again... facing zombies! (Got died by being blowed up!) And then... and then it got weird.

Lots of fun all round. Here's hoping there's another one next year, but first there's Kapcon...


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