Sunday, 30 March 2008

Fatboy does a Runner

When I went to see Run Fatboy Run the theatre contained more than a handful of people, most of whom (and I am no judge of ages) early teens if not younger. I have to say, I don't think this movie was for them. I'm not sure if they were expecting a more Pegg movie (ala Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz), or a more out-and-out comedy, but I suspect they didn't find the movie as interesting as I did.

That said, this is a fairly standard romantic comedy - guy loses girl, then goes to extremes to get girl back again, finding himself in the meantime. The main points in this movies favour are more the actors than the story: with Dylan Moran, Hank Azaria and Thandie Newton, how could one not enjoy oneself? They are playing great characters, and there are others, including the great Mr Ghoshdashtidar (played by Harish Patel).

The comedy is light, and one needs to be able to engage with the story to really enjoy it, and that is what I think was beyond most of the younger patrons (to completely dismiss any chance of maturity on their behalf). But I could so, yeah, it worked for me.

Yeah, so see this movie, but try to avoid the kiddie companions.


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