Tuesday, 24 June 2008

On the Fringe

Another series kicking off is J. J. Abrams' latest, Fringe. From the pre-air version, yes, I agree that it does look highly like another X-Files clone. The main scientist just so happens to have worked on a number of topics that would be considered "fringe" science (aka pseudo-science), so I'm guessing each episode will involve latest crazy science of the week in the effort to solve a weird mystery...

Yeah, well, not the only show like that, so what does Fringe do differently? What any show has different is the cast. The main cast of this show is the crazy scientist, his estranged brilliant son, and the sexy FBI agent (with the preair being all about the FBI agent and her getting help from the other two). Problem is, none of them is that likable. Scientist has crazy working for him, but by and large they are largely bland. (Whether or not this is it, or if it will be reworking, is information I don't know.)

And then there's the mythology, as this is a J. J. show. We get the mysterious corporation which is shadowy and probably has high connections, and a name "The Pattern" to put to weird events that happen. Certainly distinguishing itself from X-Files there...

I can guess that this will be a successful show, considering the creator, but from the preair, it looks like another tread along the known groove.



Anonymous said...

I'm suprised that everyone see here a clone of X-files. I dont see at all

Jamas Enright said...

The basic idea of X-Files episode is "FBI agents investigate something weird going on" with occasional "hints of government control group", it's hard not to cite almost any series as not an X-Files clone. ;)

Time will tell. (It always does.)