Tuesday 3 March 2009

The Chronicles of Risan: Part the Twenty-Sixth

We step through the portal and... we are in a place, not of sight, or of sound, but of mind... we are in... the Void! Strangely enough, there are platforms here, connected by spider infested webbing. And creatures, of course.

Some of them have this nasty ability that they can just look at you, and you die. Happened to Reed (the Halfling paladin) and myself. With the Warlord, that is the three of us involved in this fight, we left the Dwarf and Swordmage behind because... eh, we don't like them. Although I expect they'll turn up anyway.

But in the mean time, there's these things, with other things, and that thing over there that can shoot us from a long way away... and the female drow that escaped and went out through another door. Interesting note: this void is such that if you fall off the bridge, you land back where you came from. Neat trick. As we had already been fighting, we were already in bad shape, and this fight really bet the snot out of us. At one point we considered giving us, but rallied ourselves and eventually got on top of this.

Annoyingly, when we got to the last creature, a devil, it surrendered rather than let us kill it. Huh. It did tell us that through the next portal was the Deathhold (or something), a subplane of the Shadowfell (where my lady the Raven Queen holds domain, although Orcus is staging his own battle). It is immediately guarded by the Keeper, who seeks knowledge. Unfortunately, that's not really my forte, but I was able to help the others talk him around. He decided to let us go, in return we had to destroy the Nightbringer (uber-sword of evil that everyone wanted). I'm good with that.

All that lay between us and the city with vampire drow lord was a desert. A long hard trek, with birds and ghouls and... really not something we wanted to face, still ready to drop as we hadn't rested. After getting through the last of the sand, we holed up and set down for a while. The city would have to wait...


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