Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Watch the Death 2

We make it to the planet of Aurum without further difficulty (or death). We descend to the planet, and start the walk to the city. While on the path up the cliff-face, my fellow Blood Angel brother upsets one of the native beasts of burden, causing a stampede. Parnassius gets trampled heavily, while I fail to control my jet pack to scare them off. We do protect some of the native Aurum, but otherwise don't really make too good a name for ourselves...

In the city itself, we start towards the Cael's resident, first encountering the Word of Faith, the missionary of the Imperium in the city. Father Murphy tells us of Sister Rachael's death, while my Wolven brethren sniffs and detects the presence of an Aurum (who are not known of entering here) and of something industrial (beyond the stone age technology of the rest of the city). Something strange is going on here. We also find a stone temple with a frieze that indicates the Primarchs had been here...

In the Cael's place, we meet the Cael and, in order to gain further access in the Cael's court, we agree to a trial. Before then, we continue out the day in the city. Investigating the temple and talking with the Father, we find that the local religion has many similarities with our own. Hmm... and visiting the local barracks, we see that the Aurum are no mean fighters in their own right.

The next morning, we get to find out about their weapons ourselves. Our trial are us going out with only our clothes and their weapons, and bringing something back from the Duadon...


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