Friday, 2 September 2011


I didn't intend to talk about this. The basic idea looked like yet another generic 'couple gets stalked by killer' set up, so I thought to watch it, then move on. However, there is one aspect of it that makes me decide to blog, and another aspect that demands attention in that (this) blog post...

First point... Australia, back the frick away from this movie. Seriously, completely disown it. Currently, it has Australia plastered all over the opening credits, and it's set in the Great Barrier Reef, and...

It is a complete crap fest. The first third is a couple getting away to a lonely island and there they are... for the first part of the movie... a few things get moved about, but otherwise we are watching them wander around the island... the hell? If it weren't for fast forward, I would have stopped there. But then, in part two, they meet some smugglers, and get pwned by them. If it wasn't for the """horror""", that'd be that, but no, something happens off screen, and then we move onto part three. The couple break up and are against each other, then die stupidly. Seriously, really stupidly. If you look at the poster on IMDB, the girl screaming in the water with blood, and then when you get to that moment... a) everyone knew that was going to happen to someone, b) what the freak? That death is this """""""horror"""""" movie???

Gah! It is not worth watching, even on fast forward. I don't care if I spoiled anything for you, 'cos you shouldn't be watching it in the first place!

Australia, as a New Zealander I have to rag on you... but you don't deserve that...


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