Sunday, 9 June 2013


It's a movie where Dwayne Johnson isn't beating people up... so what's the point?

An idiot son gets caught with drugs, representing what must be the stupidest drug seller of all time, but refuses to turn on the one guy he knows in the drug trade, who was caught and in prison with him anyway. In order to get the sentence reduced (and based on the end message of the movie, the whole point of this is to point out that first time drug offenders have long sentences... so everyone should try to get killed in overly stupid drug stings to stop that??), John (Dwayne) steps in and agrees to help get a sting set up. And cue lots of moody shots of people wrestling with getting caught in drug stings and some driving.

It just... isn't interesting. I was constantly distracted while watching this, thinking of other things. There're no great action pieces to speak of, and the plot unfolds in a very linear fashion and the end climax is a mess of cars going places that don't actually matter in the slightest.

I can't tell if the movie is about the harshness of drug sentences, the lengths dads go to to protect their sons, or about the issue of political ambition over personal safety. The movie just throws a lot of little dashes into the pot and hopes someone finds something to take away as meaningful.

The movie has a very grey outlook, in colour scheme and tone. Even if you watch it, you'll find yourself doing something else.


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