Saturday, 26 April 2014

Amazinger Spydermyn

At this point, I'm getting confused about what points were in the previous movie, and which points were in the previous iteration... and then of course they continually play that tune... anyway, this is the sequel that people were definitely unsure about...

Anyway, Spiderman stops crime, and Peter Parker mopes about the place. Gwen Stacey is on-again / off-again, causing more emo scenes. And Max Dillon has the stupidest origin story I've seen until they showed the next one. Seriously, his motivation is ridiculous. I gather it's true to the comic... but it's still stupid! And Harry Osburne is also shoved into this, so we tick time waiting for the Goblin to turn up (and speaking of stupid origin stories). And the Rhino is just stupid too. Anywho, there's big fighting, and then another fight because they need more fighting. And my emotional engagement is not at all what the movie is going for...

Every scene where Andrew Garfield is on screen, not in the Spidey costume, he's playing emo whiney guy, and not worth watching. Which, as you could guess, is a lot of the movie. All his scenes are supposed to be character building moments, but they come across as "do us all a favour and slap him" moments. And the Spiderman scenes are pretty much all snark. And CGI. There's a lot of CGI, of course, so there's that. But I was impressed by the fabric texturing.

Jamie Foxx is wasted, and Emma Stone is bland. Dane DeHaan is either channeling Jack Nicholson or Leonardo Dicaprio. Sally Field is too good for this movie.

If you are going to see this, set your expectations accordingly...


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