Monday, 19 May 2014

Ramba 1 Blud

I haven't seen a slew of Stallone movies, so time to catch up by watching his war documentaries. Starting, of course, with the First.

An arsehole drifter goes through town and is hassled by an arsehole sheriff. But then the drifter suffers from post Vietnam PTSD and starts attacking everyone. Then the chase is on out into the forest as Rambo constructs a number of anti-men devices surprisingly quickly. This continues until he comes into town and shoots up everything, before breaking down (in the one good emotional scene... although I couldn't understand most of the words, although I did get the sentiment).

Actually... a rather good movie. I think I was expecting more jungle action, probably influenced by hearing more about the second movie, but this is a decent outing. Despite the high action quotient, this shows what can happen to post-war vets, and no-one is really in the right here. You can see why Stallone is picked for the action flicks, and Brian Dennehy is believable as Teasle.

So enjoyable start to the series... let's see how long that lasts!



Peter A said...

Can we please have some love for Mister Richard Crenna as well? I thought he was fantastic when I (first?) saw him in this as Rammer's old commanding officer and watched him in anything he was in thereafter - including a lot of ropey old made for TV stuff towards the end of his career and, indeed, life.

First Blood made a big impression on me as a young Simian, but it's been years since I last saw it and I fear they may not be kind to it - on that note then, I'm happy you liked it. Might be time for a revisit!

In the mean-time I do hope you'll do what I did over Easter and check out the unofficial sequel, as it takes the story in an entirely new direction. Most rewarding!

Jamas Enright said...

Just wait for Crenna... and I don't plan on watching that sequel...

Jet Simian said...

Oh you should. Best movie of Easter, for me. Particularly as I'd watched Mister Pip a few days before, and as well made as that story was...

Jamas Enright said...

Actually... it might round out the series nicely..