Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Port Vila

The main part of Vanuatu is Port Vila. It was hit badly by a cyclone a few months earlier, and they had to miss out on some cruise ships (which is a large part of their income), but not ours. And so some parts of the city are still suffering from damage and people needing help, but at least us tourists are catered for.

I went on a lagoon cruise around the islands nearby, and for a while wasn't sure we were actually going anywhere because a lot of it looked the same. Hey, they build the same style of huts over and over, I can't be blamed for not recognising them as different. But we do get to see the varied parts of the city, and we heard a lot of how Australian and French peoples are coming in and putting in expensive houses and living large and not paying a lot of wages.

The main part of the city seemed rather haphazard, and I only poked around a little. I'm not really the tourist type.

Pictures available here. Lagoon cruise videos are part 1, part 2 and part 3. And this video of me taking the water taxi.


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