Monday 26 April 2021


Wow, this movie got a drubbing from various places, so I guess I'm not gonna like this...

In Samurai Times (which are a distinct time period in history now, given the number of movies set there), who-would-be-Sub-Zero attacks the family of who-would-be-Scorpion. Only a baby survives. Cut to modern day, and fighters are being gathered because it's time for the tenth competition between Earthrealm and Outworld. As it happens, the baby's descent is one of the fighters so that links everything together. However, while they are all training, Outworld decides "sod the rules, let's cheat" (which they've been doing already), so let's launch into Mortal Kombat!!

You know what... I like this movie! The fight scenes are great. The narrative connective tissue works find to get you from place to place and keep things clear. This isn't a cinematic masterpiece, but considering I'm watching a movie based on a video game, yeah, this is good!

I also liked the 1995 movie, although that was leaning far more into the silliness than this movie. The sequel can jump in the trash though.

I have no doubt the series will jump on sequels given half a chance, but as much as I liked this, I doubt this will get there. (Happy to be wrong.)


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