Monday 19 July 2021

Lonley Assassans

It's a new Doctor Who game! I've done most of the others (the really old games I haven't), so of course I had to give this a try. It's a mobile game... so of course I played it on a PC. Moreover, I paid for it on PC when it's free on mobile!

The idea is that you find a phone, and from there are caught up in an adventure! There is Petronella Osgood as your main contact, and the phone belongs to Lawrence Nightingale... so there are definitely links there! Ingrid Oliver and Finlay Robertson return to play their parts (in either voice or actual video!), and a few other characters are here as well. There's even a Doctor!

The plot involves the Weeping Angels, so about those new characters... yeah, well, don't get too attached.

The game isn't that hard. You look at bits on the phone (eg email, chats, etc), and get pieces to unlock the next part. There's a wee challenge of sort of mini-games, but you can't really fail. There is, however, a "best outcome", so... well... don't suck.

Around two hours to play, it's not a bad game, and certainly I'm sure this was easy enough for Maze Theory to do, so... here's hoping they put more out!


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