Saturday 31 July 2021


To take a break, I spent a few days up in Taupo! Found a place with a thermal bath (feed from an underground hot spring) and booked a few activities, and la!

One place: Lake Taupo on Ernest Kemp. Cruise the lake and see the Maori carvings. In our case, get to the carvings and then bounce around and barely be to stand let alone take a good photo. But the rest of the trip was a gentle cruise over the waters.

Also: Huka River Cruise. Gentle cruise the river (as opposed to spinning and bouncing around the place on a jet boat) and get right up close to the falls, as well as enjoy commentary on the local scenery.

Then: Craters of the Moon. The surface of the earth at Taupo is very thin (so expect Primords). As such, the bubbling lava is close to the surface, leading to a volcano (now Lake Taupo) but also steam and other vapours leaking through. You can walk around and admire large sunken areas but be careful how you breathe.

Full photo album here.


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