Monday 13 December 2021

GhostLife: AfterBusters

Take the first movie... and completely ignore the others... and remake it... I mean make this sequel.

This movie is recovering the past. The characters find out that the first movie happened, and then they get to do the same thing. Hooray!

Everyone has pointed out how steeped in nostalgia this is, and they are right. Like you spend a lot of time going "hey, that's that thing!" So from that point of view this is a lot of a remake. However... the original was a lot of comedy, and this movie, again as people point out, isn't so much. Indeed, with the focus now on the kids (and how they step up when the adults are completely incompetent), and with that, the movie can't really splash in horror due to ghosts either.

Which is a shame, as if you can't do comedy, horror would have been a good way to take this. Instead, this is a love letter, and there is certainly love all over the place. Especially when the first three come back, because of course they do. And there is easily set up for more movies. (Although there is barely a nod to Ghostbusters 2, and absolutely no mention of the female Ghostbusters movie.)

So... it's fine. There are some nice moments. But it doesn't really go anywhere new, just retreads old ground. If there's more, we'll see if something more can be done with this franchise (because coming back to this well will now be a thing.)


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