Tuesday 22 February 2022


I played this game many years ago. I got to one point where I just hit a brick wall (where you are with Ulthane). Either hit a bug or a mental block or something that just meant I was unable to progress. So I gave up. But it seemed interested, so I did always want to go back to it.

And recently I did! And I even completed the game! Despite the controls, the camera, and the bosses not doing what they are supposed to, I did it! (Although the game also failed to give me all the achievements I earned.)

There were many parts where I just felt like giving up again. It was not at all clear what the game wanted me to do (I eventually had to look up how to defeat some of the bosses). That said, other times when I could grok the game, I did the big battles easily. (And yes, I was on Easy mode. It was annoying enough as it was.)

But this game feels far longer than the 20-30 hours. There are lots of mini-missions, and when you complete one set... hey, guess what, we got another set for you! And, of course, with a lot of games... but the time you finish powering up (such as getting the full bonus armor set), you don't really need it at that point.

So, a full game, and one I played... but I'm not entirely sure it was one I enjoyed?

Now the next question is... do I go on to play Darksiders 2 soon? (Which I have.)


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