Saturday 5 February 2022


The moon is coming for the earth! How exciting can you get??

Something moved the moon out of its orbit and now the earth has to get its revenge in first. And of course there are the kids that need to be saved and people being idiots and... in some ways this reminded me of Don't Look Up, in that this is what competent people might do. But is also reminded me of Armageddon, in that physics gets taken out and beaten up in the name of the movie.

This movie is over two hours, and you know what... would you believe that Roland "Disaster Porn" Emmerich made something that is very slow and boring? 'Cos he did. Everything felt slow in this, the disaster taking over people in specific scenes as well as the whole movie, no-one moving particular fast, just taking their time to casually go places (whether another town or the moon). If I watch this gain at 2x, I'm wondering if I might have to go ever faster to actually notice any action.

Given that... I'm not going to complain about the physics (one time there are earthquakes, but never again, one time the moon pulls things towards it, but hey, only if you feel like that should matter), the acting not being amazing, or that characters suddenly know things they already declared they can't know...

Overall... Meh,


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