Tuesday 19 April 2022

Leg End of the Sea Devils

You know what have tipped this episode over the top? The Myrka! We need the Myrka dammit!

This is supposed to be a special, and yet it was the same length as any normal episode. And what's more, it was just like any normal episode too. Could easily have been a filler story in any season. I know it was supposed to be the end and the BBC asked for another episode to fill it out, but is that the whole reason this became such a nothing-burger?

It is great to see the Sea Devils back, and a really fantastic creature costume too. Slight movement on the mouth as talking to keep up the alienness of it, and an easy movement as well. Good job whatever department made that!

And as for the other characters... did someone roll the dice and decide "Let's go Chinese theme", and that was as far as they went? Other than Chinese names, this could have been any random collection of people. Did the covid mean this is why there is hardly any cast? We really could have done with actual people with actual impact on the plot.

But speaking of editing, this felt really shoddy. Like they didn't film some scenes, so just cut those bits from the episode, regardless of how it affected the flow of the story. At best, we might get a random shot of something with an audio clip of the Doctor going "Geronimo!' (flashing back some regenerations there, Doc?), but mostly it just felt like someone blinked and we missed it.

Thasmin had some continuation, but... again this is just a filler episode moment.

One big moment left for the Thirteenth Doctor... hope it's more of a bang than this!


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