Thursday 5 May 2022


First off, a warning. My local usually had 15 minute ads before the screening. However, I got in (after a huge queue for reasons) just before that 15 minute mark, and the movie was already screening. Yeah, they started "early".

Second point, there is a lot of moments that can be spoiled here. So I don't even want to say anything, other than there was a lot of audience reaction (in the No Way Home sense). There will be millions of "easter egg" and "explainer" videos coming out of this.

And yet... while there is a heck of a scope (we are talking the multiverse here), the story is quite small and focused. Stakes are set up and the movie is about what can be done about those stakes. There's not a lot of extra story beats all over the place. Given this movie is a "short" 2 hours, that works well, but it does mean we only get that one story, not much else.

With all this, this movie has some great moments, but also is just another chapter in the life of the MCU. It'll get rave reviews, then things will settle down and we'll get a proper appraisal as it works in the wider scope.

But the more immediate question is: do I go back and see it again soon so I can see how it actually starts?


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