Monday 19 December 2022

Disney pinned

This is part rant/part technical support. [UPDATE: NOPE, STILL NOT WORKING!!!]

I subscribe to DisneyPlus. Yep, I give the Big Mouse money. Shocking, I know. All of us are already under its sway it'll be quicker to list people who aren't either supporting or employed by them. But I get DisneyPlus, and watch all them episodes. (And because I'm me, yes at two-speed.)

But recently I hit a problem. Latest episodes of Willow and National Treasure would not play. Like I get the Disney Plus logo but... nothing. Episode did nothing. And yet, I could watch other things, like the X-Men animated series, so it's not a blanket thing.

And, more oddly, the episodes do play in the separate app. I watch in Chrome, mainly 'cos I didn't think of the app, but then I wouldn't be able to change speed (enable that function, people!).

I did eventually work out how to get it to work. I won't say I solved it, because this shouldn't be a thing, and yet...

Because DisneyPlus incorporates Starz, it had adult material, so you can a) set the level of material you can see, and b) put on parental controls, which is basically a four digit pin, to stop the kiddies viewing it. I recently had a pin, but disabled it because... it's just me here, why should I need a pin and have to enter in whenever I go there. The hell? No, I'm lazy! Removed! you can probably guess, when I reinstated the pin, I could watch the episodes! Somehow, DisneyPlus thought I shouldn't be watching the episodes or something unless I could prove I could enter a four digit number???

So yes, I can now watch the episodes at whatever speed I want, but I'm back to being annoyed by the pin. Clearly this is the worst problem anyone has ever faced!


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