Friday 24 March 2023

Rose De Gwire

Guy Ritchie has made several good movies. And then he also made this.

Let's not mess about, this movie is just Guy Ritchie and friend fuck about. He wants to have a holiday in Turkey and Qatar, fair play to him to get his mates in and do it under the guise of making a movie, but don't pretend there's an actual plot. It's just get some big names, then filming enough footage to call it a movie.

There's a pretense of a story where we start with something being stolen. Literally we have no idea what it is to begin with, but when we find out what it is... it does not matter a little, and may as well be a wheel of cheese it has that much to do with the story, a pure MacGuffin. The scenes we get are:
  • Jason Statham doing stunts around fighting people.
  • Aubrey Plaza sitting looking cool, or standing looking cool
  • Hugh Grant chewing not only his scenery but everyone else's as well.

This will likely make it's money back, and yes, could be a franchise, but frankly it isn't trying that hard to be a proper movie so I'm not going to try that hard to care about it.


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