Saturday 8 April 2023

Just Cause 3: The Onliniest Game Evah!!!11!

Then there is the worst part of this game. It has a CONSTANT need to be online. Like whenever you boot the game up, it logs onto the servers. And when the servers are busy, it disconnects, and then insists on asking if you want to try logging in again. No matter what you are doing. Ultimately, you might decide to go into OffLine mode, but as soon as you something, such as look at the map, boom, it's reconnecting again. And why? So it can tell me that "puppygod22 did something better than you". I Don't Care! And this also brings home the point of "what if the servers go down?" Fortunately, there is offline mode, but it will still likely keep trying to connect. I don't fancy facing that day.

Still, I did about everything. 47 hours in all. There are various challenges I can't be bothered to do, so I'm definitely not getting all the achievements here. Still, I did a lot, but now I need to do something else.

Until Just Cause 4...


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