Wednesday 2 August 2023

Brainwashed: Sex-Camera-Power

Male Gaze? You're looking at it!

Nina Menkes takes us through a look at various movies and how, basically, they depict women, and not in a good way. There are more than enough examples of how women are treated as an object and how this leaks though to how people have internalized viewing women this way and how this is nearly the default movie experience. People (in particular female directors) are particularly aware of this, but trying to do something about it is hard when it's still a man's club out there.

This is definitely an adult movie, we get rather graphic full frontals, of women. Of young women. Of girls, really. But this is what we have over the years, this was just the way things were done. Yes it is rather uncomfortable, but that's somewhat the point in that these days, we do recognise it as uncomfortable (unlike back when it was filmed).

I don't have much more to say about this other than... we should do better. And this is a good documentary to open your eyes to us needing to do this.


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