Monday 18 September 2023

Colourful Cockroach

Yes, I know a beetle is not a cockroach, but it's more alliterative.

After spending time with the Reyes family, Jaime just happens to be in the right place to be near the beetle, and it happens to choose him... but this is superheroes, so that's about as much an origin story as you get. After flailing around, he and Jenny get a hold of a lot of backstory, and then they are dragged into the third act.

Like, literally, he gets dragged into the third act, and it's like the movie just wanted to move onto the next part after spending a LOT of time just getting to know the Reyes family, and then info-dumping. Am I saying this could be tighter, but certainly it feels unbalanced.

I was aware of some parts of it before I saw this, in particular that Jaime says "no killing" and then his family does killing. I could nearly forgive it except a) they spend time humanising the henchman, and the others can suck it?, and b) at one point they go "20 points!" after killing someone... Nope, fuck you movie, you don't get any credit for pretending to go a non-violence route.

This movie is... all right. Apparently James Gunn intends to keep Jaime around, so we'll see what evolves. There is an obvious mid-credits scene, but dammit give me Jenny Blue Beetle!


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