Thursday 26 October 2023

I Saw it Ten

Did we need another one? No, but it was a successful series, so of course why not make more?

John Kramer gets scammed by the medical equivalent of faith healing, so goes on a revenge streak. But of course he isn't to blame, they are their own victims, he's not the one making them hurt themselves to get out of the traps he puts them in! He's completely innocent!

Or so this movie pretends. He's not, and this movie doesn't even really get there. There are moments when the players should be winning, but the script and the expectation of gore is against them, so of course people have to die. Although I will give a lot less gruesomely than we have seen in previous movies. Are the writers maturing? Certainly there is a lot more set up here to get to the expected traps than in other movies, because this has to be more self-contained that suddenly trying to shoe-horn in previous characters (although that is done too).

I'm sure Tobin Bell is willing to do this, but the other actors look like they are putting up with being in this rather than enjoying it. [Still, if I had the chance to die in a Saw movie, damn skippy, I'd sign that acting contract!]

In the end, this is seriously mediocre, and no doubt we haven't seen the last of this series.


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