Thursday 2 November 2023

Exorcism Belieber

Remember how in the Exorcist movies/books, it's all about the battle between good and evil, what are they, can you believe in god? How about we just throw some demon possessed children in there and call it a day?

Two girls go missing, and when they turn up, they seem a bit weird. Then they seem a bit possessed... which is glossing over the first hour of this movie quickly, because the movie certainly doesn't. The point is the discussion of what the demons mean, not spending an hour getting to the point where there is a demon!

You may recall from previous discussions, that I am interested in seeing other religions represented and how the myths of one would deal with the practices of the other, and the answer is... Super Easy, Barely An Inconvenience! Everyone gets together and tolerates one another, and there is no discussion of what differing beliefs might mean. Phew, the movie nearly had something interesting to say! (Not to mention how easy it is to get two seemingly mentally traumatised children from the hospital, did no-one think that was a problem?)

There are some cameos here from the earlier movies, and... it just shows that according to this movie, the trappings are what's important, not the content. But hey, money to be made, so let's churn 'em out!


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