Thursday 16 May 2024

Squanch Sunset

This tripped two red flags, but I continued with watching this anyway.

Four sasquatches... sasquatchii?... are in the forest and living their lives... and this continues for just under 90 minutes. To say what happens gives it away because it is just them going on with things, and it's not like they are uncovering a great conspiracy or anything. Although there are revelations, but they mean more to the audience than the sasquatcharinos.

We get four actors, in heavily made up prosthetics, doing their thing, with fake penises for some of them on proud display. They do convey their emotions and thoughts well enough, but I have to admit I did get some of them confused as to who was who, but at least the movie knew. And they have "fun" excretions too... yay, I really needed that.

This is nicely shot in the forest. Plenty of animal shots too... although no rabbits, so points off for that. Everything is well designed, so I'm hoping it was an easy shoot for the actors.

Basically... if you enjoyed this, you can no longer complain about the Woolie segments of the Star Wars Holiday Special.


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