Wednesday 14 March 2007

I can Rubik's, can you?

A while ago I decided to learn how to solve the Rubik's Cube (because these are the sorts of skills one should learn in life), and managed to find a set of instructions that helped me do so. I can now apparently amaze people by being able to twist bits of plastic around.

I have also amassed a fair collection of different type of Rubik's like puzzles, including the square, the cylinder cube(*), the pyramid, the square-1 (as the website calls it) which I wasn't able to solve but fell apart due to inadaquate construction, a Sudoku cube which is annoying to solve as there's no one specific place a piece can be and a Bedlam cube which I had to get a cheat solution for (that's a lot harder than my mind could grasp).

(*)Which is exactly as hard to solve as a cube, albeit as long as you can remember which colours the angled side pieces go between...

This along with several other toys, including the always right Magic 8-Ball.

Any of you Rubik fans?

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